Návrhy se zobrazí po zadání do vyhledávacího pole. Návrhy k vyhledání můžeš procházet šipkami nahoru a dolů. Pro výběr použij enter. Pokud vybereš frázi, odešle se k vyhledání celá fráze. Jestliže se jedná o odkaz, prohlížeč přejde na danou stránku.

K čemu můžeme použít údaje tvého dokladu totožnosti

We want you to be confident that people on Airbnb are who they say they are. One way we do that is by checking for a government ID.

For more info on this process, find out how it works, or check out our Privacy Policy.

Sometimes, where permitted by applicable law, we may provide identification info from a government ID, such as a full name, address, and date of birth, to our service providers to run background checks against public records for criminal convictions and sex offender registrations. For now, these checks are limited to users in the USA and India.

While we believe these checks help us deter fraud and misuse of our services, they don’t guarantee that interactions with people who book through Airbnb will be safe or problem-free. Please carefully review our notice about the limitations of background and registered sex offender checks.

Also, where permitted by applicable law, we may provide certain identification info to banks and other financial institutions (which helps them enforce various tax, anti-money laundering, and sanctions laws), as well as to law enforcement agencies (who may be conducting investigations requiring Airbnb’s involvement).

Our goal is to work closely with these organizations and comply with our legal obligations, while also helping to ensure the respect, privacy, and security of everyone who uses Airbnb.

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